‘1’ album full stems
Complete stems for debut album ‘1’ in WAV format (3.4GB unpacked).
All tracks of this album are released under the CC BY-SA 3.0 License. This license extends to the stems.
This means (at least in the way I enforce it) that you are free to use, remix and release these tracks with monetization, as long as you provide appropriate credit (artist name, track name, link to original).
For remixes, make sure that they are clearly marked as such (e.g. “irsl – seoul (John Doe Remix)”).
In addition to the license outlined above, you may also use the stems provided freely without credit, if the production is different enough from my original release (e.g. using my pads in your track without it sounding like a remix). I am however still thankful for any credit provided.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out!